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MATLAB Basics3( تابع اساسيات الماتلاب)

Matrices and Vectorsالمصفوفات والمتجهات

A matrix is a two-dimensional rectangular array of real or complex numbers

I. Entering matrices from command line or m-file

To enter a matrix, you have only to follow a few basic conventions:
•Separate the elements of a row with blanks or commas.
•Use a semicolon to indicate the end of each row.
•Surround the entire list of elements with square brackets, [ ].


The element in row i and column j of matrix A is denoted by A(i,j) (row-column subscript).
•It is also possible to refer to the elements of a matrix with a single subscript, A(k), (element columwise index)
."end" specifies maximum index value.

.Any MATLAB expression can be entered as a matrix element
.If you store a value in an element outside of the matrix (using row-column subscript only), the size increases to accommodate the newcomer, for example :
.If you try to use the value of an element outside of the 
matrix,for example:

II. Generating Matrices Using Built-in Functions 

 III. Concatenation
Concatenation is the process of joining small matrices to make bigger ones. The pair of square brackets, [ ], is the concatenation operator. For example


IV. Empty Matrices
It is a matrices and arrays where one, but not all, of the dimensions is zero.
-To define an empty matrix
(U=[ ]        or      E = zeros(0,5

To be continued ……..


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