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(اساسيات الماتلاب)MATLAB Basicؤ
color: #4b4e46; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-top: 0px; text-align: right;FIRST: • (اولا)
MATLAB working environment(بيئة العمل)
I. Command Window(نافذة الاوامر)
The Command Window is the main window in which you can communicate with the MATLAB interpreter
II. Punctuation and Command Line Editing
. . .Denotes a continuation character
, Separates commands on a line
; Separates commands on a line and inhibits the display of intermediate results.
%Denotes comment after this sign
!A system command follows this character
III.Work Space
•It is the area of memory containing all variables defined during MATLAB execution.
•View workspace
IV. Current Directory
•MATLAB maintains a current directory for the purpose of working with M and MAT files.
V. Editor / Debugger
•A tool for creating scripts and functions (m-files)
•To run an m-file, type its name in the command window
VI. The Command History Window
•The fourth window in the default Desktop is the Command History window.
•This window shows all the previous keystroke you altered in the Command Window
•It is useful for keeping track of what you typed
•‘You can click on a keystroke and drag it to the Command window or the Editor. Double-clicking on keystroke executes it In the Command window
VII. Managing the Work Session
•MATLAB retains your previous keystrokes in a command file,
•you can use The up-arrow (↑) and down-arrow (↓) keys move up and down through the commands the previously typed lines one line at a time.
•Similarly, the left-arrow (←) and right arrow (→) keys move left and right through a line one character at a time.
•To move through one word at a time, press Ctrl and (→) simultaneously to move to the right; press Ctrl and (←) simultaneously to move to the left
•Press Home to move to the beginning of the line and End to move to the end of the line. Press the Enter key to execute the command.
•This technique enables you to correct typing mistakes quickly.
VIII.Managing the Work Session (Cont’d)
•You can use the smart recall feature to recall a previously typed function or variable whose first few characters you specify and after that you simply press the up arrow.
•This feature is case sensitive
•You can use the tab completion feature to reduce the amount of typing
•MATLAB automatically completes the name of a function, variable, or file if
•You type first few letters of the name and press the TAB key.
•If unique, it is automatically completed.
•If there exists more than one match to the first letters MATLAB opens a list of the available Functions that start with this few letter.
To be continued…..
By :
Wael Fikry, Hani Gamal ,Mohamed El Nozahi
By :
Wael Fikry, Hani Gamal ,Mohamed El Nozahi
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